Day 4.
And day 5 is starting to look good.
Making crocheted ripple rugs runs in my family. My Oma made them, as does my mum. I own two ripple rugs which mum made.

My nephew Hugo is turning one on May 15, and I am flying up for the day to help him celebrate it. I already have his present, but at the last moment at lunchtime on Thursday 3 May, I decided to make him a baby ripple blankie - not too big, not too small, not too heavy, easy to drag around for him and easy to wash for his parents. Unfortunately acrylic was my only choice for yarn, since there isn't that much variety at Lincraft, but I did choose the Patons Tasman acrylic so the quality was there at least.

I started the rug at 7.30 pm that night during Canberra Quilters' guild meeting. It has been so much fun over the last 3 days seeing how the rug develops with all the different colours.

I chose 11 different skeins. And it is actually soft! Never having crocheted with acrylic before I was little worried, but at least this rug can be usable and also fully washable.