Yesterday I was made an offer that was very hard to turn down.
The equivalent of more than a year's pay, and a small pension for the rest of my life. All this in exchange for promising to quit my job, pack up my bike locker and my desk, and not return to the Australian Public Service for 12 months.
Since I found out my job was on the line two weeks ago, I've been kidding myself that I'm a career public servant and that I really want to stay and learn and grow - especially when I've barely been able to stomach turning up to work for the last four months.
It's time to move on, move out, take a long break, discover what I really want to do when I grow up. Set up my crafty business, do some more sewing, design some more crochet, live life, love life, get healthy and be a better person. It's all so very scary, not knowing if I'll ever work in the public service again, if I'll ever work full-time again, if I'll ever get to executive level again.
But I think I owe it to myself and to the one I love the most.