My latest pick-up put-down project has been stitching some hankies. I just love handkerchiefs and being a chronic hayfever sufferer I never stray far from home without one in my pocket and a couple in my handbag. Call me old-fashioned, but there is nothing like a clean, freshly ironed handkerchief to pull out of your pocket when you are about to sneeze. Handerchief ironing is the only ironing I love - it's always been that way, from when I first used to iron Dad's handerchiefs when I was a wee thing. Shirts? Not so. Hankies? Bring it on!
I think we can blame my short attention span, for that!

I find it a little difficult getting nice white ladies' hankies which are suitable to stitch, but I discovered some pretty coloured ones in a boxed set from David Jones a couple of months ago, and I've been keeping busy prettying them up. As usual I've used Sublime Stitching patterns. They really are fantastic to use - cute, sassy and with a sense of humour.

I'm currently reading Molly Wizenberg's book "A Homemade Life". Molly is the author of Orangette. This book is beautiful. I love nothing better than really well-written stories. Really well-written. I have laughed, and cried, and read every word of the recipes and loved how she words them. Have I made anything yet? No, but I might. Can I put this book down? No! And I'm not looking forward to finishing it either. How will anything else compare?
Only two days to go until the weekend. I'm already scheming - planting bulbs, swimming, sorting out the vegetable seedlings and sewing. If St Kilda were playing on free-to-air TV that would just make the weekend better than perfect.
Listen to me - having a great weekend before it's even happened.