Because as you all should know by now, I think new year's resolutions are a crock.
Making clothes:
I didn't make much this year. Probably too busy quilting.

I made a total of three crocheted items. THREE.

I made or finished five quilt this year - and only one of them was for me. And that one was a 7 year odyssey for which I was rewarded with a Highly Commended in the machine quilted section at the Canberra Quilters' annual quilt show. Proudest moment of my quilting life!

I published my first pattern at Moda Bake Shop, and people made my quilt! Second proudest quilting moment ever.
For 2013 I'd like to keep to my "no deadlines" philosophy. It seems to work for me, except where emergency hugs are required (and please, universe, no more emergency hug moments in 2013 thanks.)
I will finish some of the things I started in 2012. Including at least two of the three hexagon projects I have going at the moment.
We're going to travel a fair bit in 2013, and I'm even going to travel to some exciting places for my quilting.
It would be an almighty achievement to sort out my sewing room once and for all.
I will make a motherload of winter skirts and dresses. And line them.
I'd like to tackle sewing with stretch fabrics. And finally replace my gazillion year overlocker with something a little more flash and a little less rusty.
But most of all I'd like to continue to have FUN with my crafting. Because if it's not fun then there's really no point!
I hope 2013 brings you all health, happiness
and lots of hexagons.
Thanks for sticking around this year - I've had a blast hanging around with you all!
Michelle xx