So our stalls will be this Sunday. Gulp.
If you're in Canberra, please help me get my laundry and back door back. Both my husband and the cleaning lady would appreciate it.

I wouldn't mind having my spare bed back.

And stop me tripping over these every time I raise the blinds.

There'll be LOTS of fabric and lots of craft books and magazines and lots of packets of buttons and little bits and pieces and some household items like IKEA Lack shelves and perfectly perfect roman blinds. Some vintage doilies. Also craft stuff like Jo Sonia paints and things I just don't have any use for anymore. Maybe also some yarn - I haven't sorted through that yet. But I'd love to be able to go home with a mostly empty car and walk into my decluttered house and finally breathe again.
Where: Jamison Trash and Treasure, Jamison Shopping Centre car park, Macquarie ACT
When: Sunday 3 February from 6.30 am till about 1 pm I think? Or unless I sell out and can hightail it out of there sooner and OMG I'm so going to Edgar's for a beer after that.