Ah, a lovely weekend made even better by having a day off today. I'm not doing any of the stuff I ought to be doing, but as Bertrand Russell said, "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time". I live by that. It's my mantra.

I seem to recall in a previous post mentioning the finishing of the first sock in the Kitty Knits yarn. Well, there it is. The second sock is well on it's way down the heel, and may well be finished by Wednesday.
We've been haunting the fabulous Canberra International Film Festival all weekend, and in a particularly low point before the start of yesterday's movie (when we waiting 15 minutes for some dickhead from the American Embassy to welcome us) even Mr QM lamented the fact I had no crochet to keep me occupied. Indeed. During the wait I could have most of a heel. And I wouldn't have seemed so annoying to those around me. Tap tap. Moan moan.
Ooh, and before I forget. I got another two divine skeins from Kitty Knits today. They are so, so, so lovely!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to enjoying my wasted time in the garden.

Tonight we had the first barbie of the season - we would have had it 2 nights ago, but for all this glorious rain we've been having! Anyway, sitting out on the deck, crocheting a sock while Mr QM wielded the barbie tongs was my definition of bliss. No music on the stereo was required, as we were serenaded by the frogs in the pond as the currawongs sang a tune.
For whatever reason I am having another lovely lazy weekend, and it will be a long one as I have Monday off work. I want to get a heap of sewing done - I am very behind, and with the weather getting warmer I suddenly have nothing to wear. Poor Magda has been wearing the same half-made blouse for 4 months.In SSOS news, I have finished the first sock of pair number 3 - using the lovely rosebud yarn from Katt. I used two different patterns for this sock and it my favourite sock yet - it fits beautifully and I quite enjoyed making a short-rowed heel.It's too dark to take photos now - tomorrow perhaps.
Some days are just bad days. Like the days you wake up with a migraine but know you can't skip work as there is too much to do. And when you water your vegie patch you discover some little munching blighter has stripped every single leaf from your eggplant seedlings. And then you get treated like crap at Birkenstock at lunchtime (as usual).
Well sisters, I have a miracle cure to a bad day! It's best to anticipate the bad day about, oh, two weeks in advance. Pop over to a little online sock yarn shop, fill your virtual basket and then forget you ever ordered it.

The Koigu came today along with some other delights and it's very medicinal, let me tell you. I don't think I'll ever make anything from it. I just want it to be ... Koigu. And lovely.
Ah. The end of another working week. And for once, this weekend will hold absolutely nothing for me. No heavy lifting, no hoisting barrow loads of soil. No hanging out of the washing. It's not as if I don't want to do these things, but my back decided it had finally had enough, and twisted itself into bucketloads of pain yesterday.
Nothing for it but to sit on the sofa all weekend with Lorelai and Rory and crochet away. I'm really upset about it. Really. Upset.
In Southern Summer of Sock news, I have been quite productive given my time on the sofa. On Tuesday I was three inches from the end of sock #2 ... and then I allowed myself to get distracted by a new sock pattern and a ball of amazingly coloured sock yarn. It was only when Mr QM reminded me that I still had to finished pair #1 that I decided to finish them off tonight. I'm quite pleased, although next time I'd make them a little less wide in the foot and leg.
Garden news - the lettuces have perked up after the hot winds of last week, the snow pea seedlings are growing taller, and my first lot of seeds (the sugar snaps) have finally sprouted. The plans for building a third bed have been put on holdfor a week. Mr QM has to dig out a tree stump first. I'll be too busy on the sofa to help.
I'm not able to blog to SSOS yet, so thought I'd log my stuff here instead.
Challenges: to finish my first bloody sock, then the second so I have a pair, and then move on to more exciting patterns. That is all.
Day 1: I had already started making a pair of socks - months ago - but realised last night that I should perhaps let them hibernate for a bit, try a different yarn, and get at least one finished sock under my belt (or on my foot. Whatever).
I started Tutti-Frutti from Crocheted Socks by Janet Rehfeldt, but ripped it out after a few rows because I HATED the inside-out slip stitch. I then decided to use single crochet as the stitch - the yarn was making a nice enough pattern without me interfering with it. Put it on, it was huge, so ripped it out again and took 4 rows from the ribbing.
In the middle of all this, I took mum and dad to the zoo. I do love me some extreme crocheting.

And as of 10.15 pm tonight, we had this:

I'm using Four Season Michaela, and I hope to goodness that they have one ball left at Lincraft because I only have three balls and I'm going to run out.Thanks to everyone for wishing me a happy birthday for Thursday. It was an odd day - I found out on Thursday that an ex-workmate of mine who I held dear to my heart had passed in very tragic circumstances. Sure, there was cake at work, lunch with a friend and my parents turned up that night to visit, but that sadness for my old mate wouldn't shake, and won't for quite some time.And because I don't want this post to be depressing, here's a photo of some cuteness:
Mum and dad went home tonight - we had a great few days, and I miss them already.