Monday, September 29, 2008

Tweet tweet!

The Visitors are still here, but they leave tomorrow. Today I convinced Mr QM to take them out for the afternoon so I could *ahem* do some work.

Because I'm getting sick of being watched every moment of the day. Like when I was making sandwiches for lunch - there they were. Watching silently, every slice of tomato, every turn of the salad spinner. It wouldn't be as creepy if conversation took place while the watching was happening.

Birdie pouch

This afternoon I made this little birdie.

I'm not overly happy with the way the lining sits, and the execution overall is a work in progress, but this one's all mine so I'm not complaining too much. Well, not about the Birdie, anyway.

Birdie pouch


  1. oh he's cute!

    Sorry about the visitors. I understand. I hate having people in my house who make me feel uncomfortable.

  2. That little birdie pouch is it!
    Don't love visitors who stay too long!

  3. It's so cute. You are such a clever chick yourself.

  4. They sound like my children, except while they're watching me do everything they're questioning my methods, especially the older one, who seems to doubt that I've actually pretty much single-handedly kept him alive for nearly seven years. Clearly I'm in need of his help. He does the same thing while I'm driving. I should have more patience, but it often drives me insane.

  5. Hmmmm.. I'm getting a mental picture of you standing in the kitchen.... slicing tomatoes... being watched... in complete silence.... freaky! My tongue would have popped out of my mouth and said my thoughts out loud. It has a nasty habit of doing that on a regular basis.

    You birdie is divine. Of course. Because you are so talented and wonderful. I missed you birthday (insert frown here) and I am wishing you a very happy belated birthday. I was away.. bad excuse I know.. and promise never to do it again. xox

  6. That is such a cute design!

    People staring is always good cause for annoyance.

  7. Adorable birdie!

    I hope you get some sanity at some point today, and that you can just relax when they go!

  8. Love da boidie! (but shouldn't it be an owl? with a hole in his belly for the iPod wheely thing? how cool would that be! If only I could sew with any skill!)

  9. i think RR is on to something there with the owl idea. and your visitors are creeping ME out.....

  10. People suck. Creepy, watchy people suck even more. Your bird does not suck at all!

  11. I want your visitors out of my city! They do sound rather creepy. Perhaps next time they want to come you will have some pretend infectious tropical disease, or Mr QM could just say no! Bird bloody marvellous. Got a new iPod for birthday, may just need one!

  12. Oh - nothing worse than a guest who makes you feel uncomfortable in your own home.

    That birdie is too cute!

  13. Love your little birdie!

    Bummer about the house guests. I've had a few of those and have ended up taking reeeeeally long showers (I was in Japan, so wasn't as worried about water usage) just to escape them.


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