And it's great. I'm less stressed, spending more time outside, cooking more, seeing more of my lovely friends in real life. The downside, of course, is that I only get through about four blogs per night before I hit the "mark all read" button. Hence the apology - I have not been blogging or commenting on blogs, and I doubt it will change anytime soon. Please don't take this as being a sign that I don't still love you.
Quickly, before my time is up...
* I love my job - I'm rather enamoured with the subject matter and the fact I finally get to use that geography honours degree I got 18 years ago. The bus commute still sucks, but it's also the only time I'm crocheting these days, so that's a good thing. Do I miss being at home, sewing all day and being my own boss? Absolutely. But I'm enjoying the company, the weekly pay cheque and challenge of working 38 hours a week without a snooze in the middle of the day.
* I spent time with my friend and her family on Sunday, and dropped in to visit her neighbour's garden on the way home. Gloria loaded up my bike basket with Seville Oranges so I could make marmalade. I've never made marmalade, or indeed any jam before. My mother, though, is a fantastic rosella, cumquat, pink grapefruit and lemon jam/marmalade maker so I hoped that it might run in the genes, like the sewing/crochet thing (unfortunately I missed out on the blonde hair/blue eyes/skinny thing). A night of soaking and a night of cooking, and it was done. It tastes great, and I can now say I'm a jam maker. A few bottles are going to my friends (and Gloria), and one to mum and dad when they come to visit.

* The vegetable patch has become a a huge addiction. We finished the irrigation system on the weekend, I planted the first lot of my potatoes, and I'm looking forward to a bumper strawberry crop. Our apple trees are fruiting, but the nectarine is going to let us down this year due to the strong winds and a bad case of curly leaf. I check it every morning on the way to work, and every afternoon when I get home. The gardener (Mr QM) does most of the work though. I mostly get to plant it and cook it.
* We had lots of spinach this spring and I'm trying to find inventive ways to use it. We're a bit over spinach and mushroom risotto, so this weekend I made spinach and fetta pie (in vintage Agee Pyrex, of course).

(I would have taken a photo of a slice of it, but we ate it too fast)
* Thanks so much for the nice comments on the new sox box. That first one was Kylie's birthday present but I want to make heaps more - maybe this weekend, using the gorgeous fabric I got on Monday. I also have some sewing to do for me - now I'm back at work I need some new clothes.
* Last night we had the most fantastic dinner with some friends who were visiting from Queensland. It was so nice to catch up and we laughed and laughed and laughed. Good Vietnamese food helped of course, but the company was the highlight.
* There is nothing better than going to sleep at night with a new pillow, fresh sheets, and the sound of frogs croaking a (very loud) lullaby.
* The new Kate Miller-Heidke album (where the title of this post comes from) is brilliant.