Friday, January 29, 2010

Webbed fingers and mermaid tails

~float~, originally uploaded by Lisa at TSS.

I seem to have lost my words and thoughts. I haven't felt inclined to write, photograph or sketch ideas for what seems like ages, but is probably only a couple of weeks.

My addiction to the tennis may be partly to blame.

I've been swimming. A lot. Every morning a lot. I'm wearing Eau de Chlorine and my skin is tanned and itchy. I can't imagine starting my day any other way, and I'm dreading that inevitable day in March when the pool closes for the winter.


  1. No indoor pool in Canberra? Oh Noes!

  2. Maybe your thoughts have trickled out into the pool... and leeched into someone elses mind? Thereby sharing your talents with the universe. Very philanthropic of you!

  3. Yes, we have several. My closest ones include one that is in public transport distance but is filthy, and the other is only a skerrick better but much harder to get to at 7 in the morning.

  4. Ah, now I really wish it was warm enough to swim here! I have phases like that. Thankfully it always comes back eventually!

  5. Good for you - swimming is great for the body and the mind. We've been going every evening after dinner - it feels wonderful! Nic

  6. There's something weird in the air at this time of year. I think our brains like to have a little bit of a holiday.
    Enjoy a lovely swim instead!

  7. Isn't a total bummer how quickly we go from sweltering to snow in Canberra!! Oh, off to your pool tomorrow for a party, you might like to avoid it at 10a.m. with a dozen 8 year old girls screaming, maybe more?? Plus my non invitees. Fun & games. I'm still blonde enough for my hair to go green, matches your parfum. Love Posie

  8. Sometimes you've just got to go where the urges take you. Enjoy.

  9. Oooo yes, I've been swimming a lot more lately too and it has started to feel like coming home when I dive in.

    (Glad it's not just Princess Me who finds the civic pool scuzzy)

  10. mmm lovely!
    you've been a super swimming machine this summer!

  11. Mmm swimming just been with my best mate at 7 this morning. What a fabulous way to start the day. Don't worry about your brain, we all need a break sometime and obviously it is it's turn to have one. It will come home again someday....

  12. great photo isn't it? and thing of it as time to reenergize and restore before the next spurt of creativity

  13. Swimming is fun. but at present I am running/walking and love that

    I worry about the inevitable winter weather, and when it is too dark......
    great way to kick off the day and being fitter just feels so damn good...


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