Back in April I wrote about how I finally gotten the whole appeal of wearing shawls as shoulder-wear, and by May I had decided to get involved in the crazy scheme over on Ravelry to make ten shawls in 2010. That's right - I was going to crochet ten shawls before the year was over, and I was going to enjoy every second of it, dogammit.
I've shown you most of my progress on crocheting six of the shawl
over there,
yonder, and also
wherever. Today I realised that I haven't shown your shawls six, eight and nine. So here's a little show and tell.

Number six was a simple shawl called "Country Cotton" by Lion Brand Yarn, a free online pattern and it was made in a month. Instead of cotton, I used Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool 8 ply in the Thundercloud colourway. It is divine yarn to crochet with - I have some more in red that I have grand plans for. The pattern was easy, brainless, and therefore perfect for watching the rest of season one of "Gossip Girl". It's also the biggest - and warmest - shawl I have made and it's the most perfect thing to wear on blustery winter days while walking along a seaside clifftop. Or down Northbourne Avenue. Whichever.

Number eight was another Lion Brand free pattern - Bridal Shawl. I crocheted this shawl with a Crazy Zauberball in the Burnt Almonds colourway. This yarn was perfect. Unlike the Noro I used for the Painted Mountain Shawl, it had no breaks, no unevenness, it was smooshy soft and it bloomed beautifully on blocking. I started it in mid June when we started watching season two of "Gossip Girl", and finished the rest of it while I was in the Northern Territory.

Number nine was done as a crochet-a-long with a friend. I had two skeins of Wollmeise Twin in Vamp red, and we decided to both crochet a shawl in the same yarn. My friend made a South Bay Shawl (which I had already made) and I made a Glorious Morning shawl, which I had had in my Ravelry queue for a while. I actually love my friend's shawl a lot more than I love my own, but I'm still really happy with how mine turned out. I crocheted this at the same time as number eight, and also finished most of it while sitting on a bed with my friends in a wooden cabin with a granite stone floor in the Northern Territory. This shawl has a lot of friendship in it. It was an easy pattern, but I kept making mistakes and could only crochet this when I could concentrate (therefore it wasn't the perfect "Gossip Girl" project). I had a few problems with running out of yarn and having to rip back several rows TWICE
*sob* but all in all this is a lovely shawl, in a fantastic colour and as I wear red most days of the week it's been a great shawl to wear to work.
This photo was taken when it was sleeting, a month or so back. Do I look cold? I was!

Stay tuned for shawl ten! Soon! Or tomorrow. Whichever comes second.