Thursday, February 9, 2012

Totally twisted

Twisted hexagons progess

At the beginning of this year I dug out my twisted hexagon quilt to attempt to finish it. I knew I had one half of a top, and part of the other half, and a whole lot of blocks which needed to be sewn on to that half.

That memory issue I have mentioned before? Turns out both halves of the quilt were already complete. I can't recall doing that, so it must have been the quilting fairies. So I sewed those two halves together a few weeks ago - unbelievably, it only took me about 8 hours - and this is what I now have.

Twisted hexagons progess

It doesn't look that big in that photo. Let's step back a bit and put a 2 1/2 seater sofa in the shot for scale, shall we?

Twisted hexagons progess

That's a lot of quilt. And a lot of weight to be carrying around when it's all stitched by hand. I have a morbid fear of it falling apart on me before it's quilted, so I'm very careful, and I get a little bit mother-bear when people get grabby hands when they see me working on it. Hence I tend to work on it more at home. Mainly to stop me being rude to people.

Twisted hexagons progess

I now have these "half" blocks to sew onto the top and bottom, and then I will trim them so I have straight edges at the top and bottom of the quilt. I've attached one so far. Took me 4 hours to sew three edges. I seem to have lost my hex-jo.

Twisted hexagons progess

But I now have a fully charged needle dome which should last me for one side of the quilt. And then I'll thread those ten needles again and do the other side.

Twisted hexagons progess

Twisted hexagons progess

And then, so help me God, I'm sending it to the machine quilter.


  1. Oh yes, I would get that quilted too. It is looking wonderful.

  2. W

    totally awesome!

    you must be rapt with such a fantastic job :)))

  3. It's beyond amazing. To be treasured forever. And what is that needle dome thing? Never seen before but it looks like something that would improve my life immeasurably.

  4. Beautiful. So many hours of work. And that needle dome is awesome.

  5. Hurrah! It looks amazing already! And look at that needle dome! What a neat idea!

  6. Fabulous! And I love the needle dome too :)

  7. WOW beautiful, not one to give away or sell!!
    Never seen a needle dome before, looks like a better place than mine down the side of the sofa! Kx

  8. dude! it looks AMAZING!!! also i like your needley thready domey thing!

  9. Oh, God, that is amazing! Beautiful! And what the hell is that neddle thingy- a post on that, please! PS If you are sick of it by the end and don't want to keep it, I'm happy to mind it for you....(the quilt, not the needle thingy!)

  10. That is fantabuexpialidocious! BTW what on earth is a needle dome and where do you buy it?

  11. Gorgeous. Your patience and dedication are phenomenal!

  12. hummm english pieced....., hand pieced..... hummmm.....GIRL YOU ARE SO GOOD. The top is beautiful.

  13. Michelle what an absolutely gorgeous quilt- so much work! I can't wait to see it quilted.

  14. Oh Emm Gee! That's amazing. Seriously! I don't know where you find the time or the patience. I'm in awe. Well done!


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