So I made another skirt, and I didn't make it from the skirt fabric stash, and that's OK. Because I totally made this pattern up.
See this skirt?

Yeah, well I didn't make that. It cost me $12 at Target and I absolutely love it. It's stretchy, comfortable, warm and STRIPED. I knew I needed to make some more of these for winter weekend wear so yesterday I went to Spotlight, bought fabric, laid it out on the cutting board along with my $12 skirt, and cut something basically the same shape.
And then I got aquainted with the stretch stitch settings on my sewing machine. I will admit I am scared of stretch sewing. My first attempt at this skirt "pattern" however was a disaster.

Gorgeous Ponti knit, not so gorgeous on my hips. It made my backside very bootylicious, and not at all in a good way. I'd cut it far too small. So I gifted it to someone with a much more superb booty that me at Brown Owls today and she is going to finish it off to fit her. It only needed a waistband and hemming. She'll have it finished in about 20 minutes.
So for round two, I decided to add about 4 inches to the skirt shape, and went from there. And after a lot seam adjustments, an elasticated waisteband and hemming, and only half an hour, I had this.

And I wore it today. It was super comfy.

So that's skirt one of the 4 skirts I promised myself by the end of May. I'll be honest - I'm going to make this knit skirt again and again. I don't have to pull and tug it over my backside and belly like I do with a lot of waistbanded skirts and I don't have to worry about it creasing. This non-pattern is a winner in my book (and I probably should draft it on paper sometime, because that would be the Smart Thing to Do.)