Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday snippets - a year on

A year ago my life changed forever, and in a good way. But anniversaries are hard things to deal with, no matter how much gratitude you have for life. So I've been distracting myself with a lot of sewing.

Sewing Sunday Snippets

I started making a skirt for Cam's Skirt Sewalong.

Sewing Sunday Snippets

I appliqued some t-shirts for my nephew's birthday present, using these patches.

Sewing Sunday Snippets

I made project bags for next week's market. And also drank lots of tea with a little chocolate.

Sewing Sunday Snippets

I finished the binding for my friend's baby's quilt. It's now in the dryer on a gentle cycle, getting ready for the giving.

Sewing Sunday Snippets

I got a cup of tea in bed, not because I'm a mother, but because I've got a head cold and that's just something he does when I'm sick.

Happy Snippet Sunday! For more Snippets you should check out Tinniegirl.


  1. So glad that you have a hobby like sewing that can get you through the heard times. It's amazing how much crafting is good for the soul!

    I spotted that cup of tea pic thismorning while I was lying in bed telling myself that I needed to get up. I was wishing sooooo much that Mr Buttontree Lane would make me one too!

    He's a keeper

  2. Hope your cold gets better soon! That's a really sweet man you have there. Really like the colours on that baby quilt, all bright and cheery!

  3. Love your Sunday snippets, and love all the things that you do to take care of yourself - and especially love that he brings you cups of tea in bed! What a year you've had.

  4. Anniversary's of big events, life-changing moments, etc always take us back to the moment when they happened. It's true. Glad you have found something to help you through it, and so glad you're still hear telling your story.

  5. Hope you feel better soon - a head cold is no fun!

  6. I love this post ... all the little snippets. Have to say though that sometimes the full yuk of things doesn't quite hit home until later when you are really safe. I re-read the post from last year and shuddered again at how precarious it all is. Thank goodness you are well and thanks for the creativity. And thanks for sharing and reminding me to take it one day at a time. Love the binding on the babies quilt...that's on my MO dolly program and so I recognise it.

  7. Sewing and being creative is a great positive way of dealing with life's curve balls....Looks like you have been very productive. x

  8. Pleased your sewing is getting you through this time! The colours, the feelings and the pics to remind how gorgeous it all is are a tonic ;) Hope your week is getting brighter.


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