Heck - you might even find a post a day from me!
So the next 11 days in the Me-Made-May challenge were a bit of a doddle. Although there are days where I wish I had more me-mades in the wardrobe. Days where I say "I just really, really want to wear trousers" and "I am soooo sick of plaid skirts."
And as you would remember from my challenge, I wanted to learn new things and sew a new pattern. And I did!! Just wait until you see May 20.
May 10

Me-made grey wide wale cord skirt (first wear and it's already split - must be rubbish fabric) using Simplicity 9193, and me-crocheted shawl. Taken at our Canberra Spoolettes social sewing sesh. I love my Spoolette friends. Thanks Amanda for your awesome photographic skills and model direction. Enjoy this skirt now, folks. It's on the way to the bin (I may salvage the zipper).
May 11

Me-crocheted Critron Shawl. Took me ages to finish, and took me ages to wear. Today is the first time and I'm kicking myself I haven't worn this earlier! Crocheted with Wollmeise lace in Golden Pear, and the pattern is called Critron. Warmest shawl ever. Shall have to blog. Or put it on Ravelry.
May 12

Me-Made-May day 12! No repeats so far which is a minor miracle, but from tomorrow ... Repeat repeat repeat! This is my Paron Multicities Skirt, McCalls 3507. I need to blog this skirt, mainly because it's freaking awesome.

Me-Made-May day 13. Grey plaid wool skirt (Butterick 6841), crocheted shawl. 1 degree. Having a massive issue finding somewhere to take photos that doesn't do the sun/glare/shade thing. Tomorrow I may go back to the dunny shot.
May 14

Me-Made-May day 14. Another repeat - red plaid skirt. Also worn today but not in the photo (as this office is hotter than Hades) is a red crocheted Toscane Shawl. Also DUNNY SHOT!
May 15

Me-made-May day 15!! Almost halfway through! Skirt is Simplicity 5208 using a gorgeous Ink & Spindle fabric. Crocheted shawl worn as a scarf -Toscane. My favourite shawl.
May 16

Over halfway! I'm just a little exhausted and I miss wearing trousers to work. Me-made cord skirt (Butterick 6841), me-crocheted shawl (Morning Glory pattern). Happy Friday everyone!
May 17

Saturday was spent sewing all day for the market the next day. Then we went out for tea at the local bar for schnitty. Me-appliqued store bought shirt using Yardage Design fabric, and me-crocheted Adirondack socks.
May 18

This is how an exhausted and very footsore lady looks after being on her feet since 8 this morning at the Old Bus Depot Market. Three me-mades. Would have been four if it had been cold enough for a hat. Me-made green cord skirt, me-crocheted cardi and me-crocheted shawl.
May 19

Back by popular demand by several on Instagram, here is the dunny shot. As promised to Instagram previously, I've included the royal blue dunny seat for a little extra colour pop! Me made linen/wool skirt. Whatever. I'm more impressed by the fact my cardi matches my shoes. Also feeling quite sick today so fuchsia tights for the win.
May 20

Drum roll ... I sewed a new pattern! And it's in KNITS! Now if that isn't two challenges totalled into one item of clothing, I don't know what is. A couple of weeks ago I came across an indie pattern company called Skinny Bitch Curvy Chick Patterns. The patterns are great! They are designed for shorties, but I'm a tallie and all I did was add 2 inches on this tee (and the pattern is marked for where to insert length for tallies.) And this Tonic 2 tee is also free if you order the print-at-home option! Thank you Betsy for making patterns for those of us in the X range of clothing sizes. I'm definitely going to make it again (and again), although I will go down a couple of sizes in the bust area so I don't get that whole drapey chest effect.
So that's your lot for the week/fortnight. I'm so happy I sewed something new. I'm ultra happy that I am downloading all the patterns and being inspired by others doing Me-Made-May, and also my lovely Spoolettes. The sewjo is back! Maybe next time I post what I wore, it will be something new again.
Your tonic looks great! Your second photo with the orange shawl is lovely!!