Saturday, July 25, 2009

The secret ministry of frost

Frost - Abelia

Today we woke up to the most magical sight - thick white frost covering everything.

Frost - front garden

Still half asleep and in my pink pyjamas and fluffy slippers, I ventured outside with my camera.

Frost - Viburnum

These kinds of mornings are the reasons I love winter in Canberra so much. Bright, sunny, vivid blue skies and ice.

Frost - Abelia


Much later, after the frost had melted and the farmers' market had been visited and the laundry had been hung on the line, I had afternoon tea with my friend Bianca, of Sadie and Lance and The Toy Society. It seemed only appropriate that we did a little of this as well.

Toy Society Drop - Canberra


  1. I can't wait to breathe the morning frost! I love all the seasons just for all it's diversity. Even though it's summer now, I'm ready for fall! :)

  2. Great photos! I love the frozen daphne!

  3. I'm looking forward to fall too! I love the rich colours and the cozy nights.

  4. I am glad you and your slippers ventured out - just a beautiful moment captured! I hope your toy drop was a winner too!

  5. Those frost photos are stunning! the new header!

  6. No frost here, so thanks for the pics!

    We went to the farmers markets today. The atmosphere and pace is so different to the local Coles, I never want to buy fruit and veggies any where else. :)

    PS. Love the toy drop. Hope it finds a good home.

  7. I love the crispy crunch of frost on grass and leaving footprints behind. Love the new header.

  8. Wow that frost really does look like snow!

  9. Now there's a way to spend a day and bring on the warm and fuzzies!

  10. We had a heavy frost down in Tuggers as well, it was beautiful, wasn't it! Your photos are gorgeous :)


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