Saturday, July 3, 2010



There are some things in my life I am enjoying less and less as time goes on. And as these less enjoyable things continue to dominate my spare time, I find I am missing out on doing things that really make my heart sing.

Like gardening.

And sewing quilts.

And playing with Blythes.

And being able to crochet a cardigan for a wee one, if I really want to.

It's time to make some changes around here. It's time to make some time for the stuff I really want to do.


  1. Down with non-fun dominating tasks. Up with fun!

  2. I'd just like to be paid to not be at work occassionally...

    I hear some people get paid to not be at work for almost six weeks a year!

  3. Yay! I agree. More good stuff and less work.

  4. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me!

  5. Ah but what are you getting rid of????

  6. It can be hard to fully master Time. I hope you are able to fit in more of what really makes you happy.

  7. Oh please do share when you work out how to find the time!

  8. Them's fighting words! Way to go lady!

  9. I agree whole heartedly.......I would get back to playing with your Blythes as soon as you can :)

    Thank you for stopping by.....everybody is well today and bounding around as it is teachers rec day or whatever they call it. Sun is also shining so that makes a difference.

  10. Oh, I'm so with you on this one. Lately, I've been simply annoyed at the end of each day because I feel like I've done nothing for me. Things MUST change!

  11. Oh yes!! we all must be thinking the same thing!!! Down with mass produced craft and up with really!
    PS i hope to own a Blythe one day


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