On Sunday I had what my friend Jacqui calls an "Oh My God" birthday.
So now I'm 40 (and one day), but I don't feel that old. Obviously no one else thinks I'm that old either - my parents gave me a Nintendo DS for my birthday. A part of me - the part that still plays with dolls and skips up the driveway and laughs at the naughtiest jokes - that part will always be 8. Or 14. And I'm happy about that. No point getting old before your time, I say.
Sunday dawned miserable, wet and cold and my heart leapt with joy. I love, love LOVE days like that. It made the afternoon I spent with friends at Gundaroo all the more special. We had our own private dining room, an open fireplace, and the best conversation, food and wine that love and friendship can buy. The only major bummer was that I'd given the Mister my cold - so we had to cancel our dinner on Saturday night and I had to cook my own birthday breakfast, and the company at home was a little less than stimulating while he shoved tissues up his nostrils. Poor poppet.
I received the loveliest emails and text and gifts, and then today I heard that I got a contract and will be starting next Wednesday. Best 40th birthday gift ever (maybe not better than the DS, or the gorgeous necklace from the Mister, or the new Stephanie Alexander bible (which I am dubbing the New Testament), but it's close.