A lot of people do it really tough at Christmas - financially, emotionally and physically - and I wish I could do more to help them. Don't we all? Here are some suggestions on what you can do when spreading happiness and joy with a smile and a happy demeanour just aren't enough.
Have you checked out the ABC giving tree in Canberra? You can buy non-perishable food and/or a gift for a child and deliver it to the studios, where'll they'll distribute the goodies to the Salvation Army. Most of the department stores also have giving trees - such a good thing for those kids who really miss out.

© Copyright World Vision Australia 2008. All rights reserved.Used with permission. http://www.worldvision.com.au/ or call 13 32 40.
One of the things I've done some research on this year is the charity gift. It's where you purchase training, animals, supplies or basic human necessities like safe drinking water from a charity, and they send you a card or email you an e-card. You can then give that card to your friends and family, having purchased a gift on their behalf. Some of the charities where you can do this are:

© Copyright World Vision Australia 2008. All rights reserved.Used with permission. http://www.worldvision.com.au/ or call 13 32 40. Some of these sites even have gift registries! Now that beats a Myer gift registry any day, I reckon!
If you have any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them.