Saturday, December 13, 2008

Countdown to Christmas: 12


In this house, Christmas is all about the lights on the Christmas tree.

They get switched on as soon as the first person walks in the door from work, and they don't go off until the last person goes to bed.

Usually that's me.


  1. I love Christmas lights. On the tree, on houses in the street, everywhere. They are my favourite part.

  2. I love Christmas lights too. In my house, they are turned on when I do it. And turned off when I do it. At least I'm regular!!

  3. same same- though the pirate sometimes remembers to turn them on. They buzz which can't be good so I keep and eagle eye on them but love them so

  4. ooh pretty!!!
    I'm loving your Christmassy count down!!

  5. We're so un-christmasy this year! Our tree only went up today, but the lights are on now - does that count??

  6. Our tree doesn't have separate lights (too dangerous with Miss Stella) but it has fibreoptic fake pine needles - so the colours glow and change. It goes on first thing and off last thing too! Although it's usually Clare's job.

  7. i love little fairy lights all over the house, but didnt manage it this year. instead we opted for kitsch, a fibre optic plastic tree that lights itself. cute.


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