Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Countdown to Christmas: 2

With only two food shopping days left and my pre-Christmas visitors gone, thoughts turn (with alarm) to the menu for Christmas Day.

As there will only be the two of us sitting under the elm tree for Christmas lunch, we've decided to make it a mini-feast of the highlights of Christmasses past.

They can hardly wait

Vegetables in aspic and soggy potato salad served in an icecream container, as in this photo, do not feature in the highlights, thankfully.

We have the cooked tiger prawns on order, ready for picking up on Christmas Eve. A thick slab of smoked ham was purchased at the farmers' market on Saturday. Kipfler potato and boiled egg salad will feature, just so long as I can find a recipe I like, as will hopefully a chorizo and haloumi salad which my brother made a couple of years ago. ( I must remember to call him for the recipe.)

The Christmas pudding has been bought, and now I need to find the time tomorrow between 3pm when work finishes up for the year, and 11pm when the Christmas Eve church service commences to do some final preparations. Easy.

Full belly.

I'm looking forward to full, happy bellies by the end of Christmas Day, and days of prawn breadrolls and smoked ham risotto to follow.


  1. Christmas lunch with two of you - how utterly superb! After reading your menu I have food envy.

  2. I so wish it was just us - but Kim's family decided it would be so much less stressful to have all eight og them for christmas lunch.

    I had been looking forward to champers and prawns under the oak tree - now have to cater for 10 adults and 2 kids.

    Champers will be opened at dawn!Have a wonderful christmas and enjoy your relaxed and festive lunch - oh - and I'd love the recipe for the chorizo and haloumi salad - yum!

  3. Sounds divine, and spookily similar to our planned meal of prawns, salmon, and cheese cake... just the two of us, yay!

  4. ditto on the chorizo salad -sounds delicious. We're off to my SILs, and all I have to take is fruit. Depressing, really since part of my celebration time IS the cooking.

  5. mmmm Sam would flip out for that salad - pass it on!!!
    Your lunch sounds delish =)

  6. Now that sounds like just about the perfect christmas day. Enjoy!

  7. We're having ham, too, but not potato salad. I love how summery your menu sounds. :-) Ham is for Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Day we can use some leftovers for brunch. Yum.


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