Tuesday, June 3, 2008


My last day at work is tomorrow. Tomorrow. I'm absolutely shitting myself, but I'm also really excited by the thought of not having to work in such a toxic environment anymore.

Plus I get to craft for the next few months. No matter how hard I try, I just can't be unhappy with that idea.

I may take some tips from Blythe Mia on the gentle art of relaxation.

Lazy autumn day

Or even this tip, this time from both Mia and Evette's Tabby.

Mia heard this was what Tabby got up to in her spare time

I'm not too sure how dangling on the line with Justin's underwear can be considered relaxing, but there you go.


  1. I wanted to comment on the last post but I was on my husband's phone and it wouldn't let me. Good luck to you. I almost want to say "Bon Voyage," because this is an exciting new journey you're setting out upon.

  2. Just think - you can go to work tomorrw and do nothing - totally slack off, do all your personal photocopying, hog the urn do whatever you want .....

    Don't be too scared and maybe leave the hanging upside down from underpants for a week or so -

  3. Wheee - a new life is starting. Looks like we are starting a similar journey - though mine doesn't have a years waages thrown in. Never mind - it is fun to concentrate on some craft things for a while.

  4. Hope the last day is a very, very good one! The only responsiblity you have is saying goodbye to everyone, stocking up on free stationary supplies for home and taking an extra, extra long (and wet) lunch. :-)

  5. Wow - last day! What a big thing (I can only imagine...but after working at my current workplace for almost 14 years all together, I reckon my last day will be huge! and kinda empty). How exciting. I think hanging upside down on underpants is quite a good analogy actually - a bit weird, and bit naked, but a bit exciting, all at the same time.
    PS - I covet your Blythe Mia. Is that wrong?

  6. Go forth, my friend, into a wonderful new world! And Come for lunch often!!!

  7. Scarey but exciting! Good luck I am sure it will all work out wonderfully! Long time no chat BTW!!

  8. Woot!! So excited for you!!! You'll have to keep use all updated on your post-work adventures!

  9. I think a completely work free life sounds just the ticket - how exciting.

  10. Wow - how exciting and scary at the same time! I think it will be a positive move, though ... all sorts of vistas opening up in front of you!


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