First off I want to show you the projects that I wouldn't mind finishing by Christmas. They are BIG.
I finished basting all the hexagons of my Lotta Jansdotter quilt, so all I had to do was sort out what went where, and which hexagons needed an accompanying grey diamond. I took a photo of the order so that I can have a record of what goes where.
I am embarrassed to tell you that I failed to follow my own ordering system when it came to arranging the rows for the this quilt. Well that's not entirely true - I followed some sort of system, I just can't identify what that system is exactly. It took me an hour to sort it out on the floor to this stage. This quilt does my head in because I can't comprehend sewing on the diagonal. Really. I probably have a couple of full days of piecing and pressing to go on this. Then I'm sending it to Raylee. I'm a little bit over it.
But now onto what I've finished the last week or so.
The Arithmetic quilt top is finished. And I absolutely love it. Not just the fabric, which is Lotta Jansdotter's Bella line (interestingly the quality of fabric for this line is very thin compared to the Echo line before it) but those big plus signs really make me happy. I was going to give this one away, but it goes so well with my orange sofas I might just have to keep it.
And finally, all the blocks for my wonky scrappy HST quilt are made, sorted and ready for sewing. Sadly I never did get to sew it together or attend modern quilt group last night to show it off as planned, as I was too sick. So in the meantime I will just show everyone on the internet. I'm so happy with it.
I'm trying not to start anything new. However I would love to make a hug quilt for a friend that is having a bad time health wise at the moment. Out of stash, of course.
So back to the reorg of the sewing room. I have three wine boxes of fabric to sell at the trash and treasure.And I have three new lovely sorted shelves. This is one of them.
But I have a scrap management issue. I just don't know what to do with this.
Or this.
Or this.
And that's only one small part of it.
I was thinking of cutting out larger scraps into 3 inch hexagon shapes. Or one inch shapes. Or clamshells - I have a beautiful Brigitte Giblin pattern I bought ages ago that would be perfect for scraps. Or do I cut everything into 2.5 inch strips and sort by colour?
What would you suggest? I don't have the space for multiple clear plastic containers with odd shaped scraps of every colour under the rainbow - I would like to be able to have a system where I cut what I have leftover from projects and sort it out for later.
Would love to hear your suggestions!
Whatever you do, don't go down the miniature quilt road. I got to the stage where I couldn't throw out anything bigger than about 1" square, because "IT COULD BE USEFUL".
ReplyDeleteI found a local pre-school that was happy to have stuff for collages. Thank goodness.
I do the Bonnie Hunter thing - everything smaller than about .3 m gets cut into strips of 3.5, 2.5, 2 and 1.5 inches, and I keep them in large ziploc bags (in a designated shelf of my expedit! great minds ...) You can squeeze the air out of the bags before you shut them and they take up very little space. And then when you feel like something scrappy ... there they are! waiting :)
ReplyDeleteoh, let me make it easy for you ... just give them away
ReplyDeleteto me!! (or swap)
other people's scraps are so much better than your own :)
Love your quilt tops and projects. You have some very big scraps laying there. I would iron those and neatly fold them. I only have small scraps in my scrap bin and I’m often glad I didn’t cut the bigger ones into smaller pieces, because they can be useful for little bags, pouches or pillow covers. But when you only want to save them for quilt making I like the Bonnie Hunter idea that Lynley talked about in her comment.
ReplyDeletei've always loved Brigette Giblins quilts she has such a lovely naive and feminine style
ReplyDeletelove the quilts. I would cut them to the 2 1/2 inches, there are so many patterns that use that size. One quilt pattern I recently found, I LOVE. I have a few other projects before I can start on the pattern below (the pattern ends up different sizes), but can't wait.
I love the look of that clam shell quilt pattern. I'd be wary of cutting everything up, like some of the others said, it could just lead to a lot of work. Fold up big bits and zip lock small usable bits and then the rest use for stuffing or give to a school for collages. Good luck with the sorting!
ReplyDeleteI have no ideas for the scraps, but I do love those quilt tops! You have a great eye for colour and pattern and your quilts are so lovely and modern. Love them all!
ReplyDeleteStrip piece them in a random order, trim to a good 5 or 6 inch width and come and sew them onto my scrap quilt that needs a border!