Monday, September 12, 2016

Because quilting = pure joy

Gosh I'm loving quilting at the moment. I'm loving it so much that I have finished all but one of my Lucy Boston blocks.


(This is the view that greeted me when I was closing the curtains in the living room after dusk on Friday night. It's my sewing room from across the deck. We are so lucky to live in this old house.)

I also made plans for two new quilts - one I will tell you about in a couple of weeks, but the other is the Stepping Stones quilt by Irene Blanck. It has octagons and squares. I've loved this pattern for a long time, but then it popped up in the last Quiltmania issue. I've already made two blocks and goodness me I love them! The octagons and squares are 3/4 inch, which makes a small square but a large octagon. Perfect size for EPP.



And I don't think I ever told you about Project 48 - it's a year long quilt with one block being issued a week. I started around Easter - a few months after most other people - and have made only half of the blocks so far, but it's been a lot of fun. Here are a few of the blocks.




I also headed up to Sydney by myself a couple of weeks ago for a QuiltNSW general meeting. After over 20 years of us only owning one car, I bought a second car earlier this year. But because I mostly ride my bike to work each day it hadn't done many kilometres. And I felt like having a few hours alone listening to the Hamilton soundtrack (loudly) and working out the cruise control so off to Sydney I went for the day. I'd never been to a meeting before, but it was a wonderful day spent stitching, talking with old friends and making new ones. And it was informative as well with the guest speaker being Sarah Fielke talking about her old and new quilts the guild business meeting taking place, and Rachael was also there talking about her Best of Show quilt.



By the end of the day I felt a little bit tired but also exhilarated and inspired. It was such a fantastic Saturday. I'm so glad I'm a member of QuiltNSW - the members and committee have always been nothing less than welcoming to me since I joined a few years ago. I'm not as elegant with my words as Rachael, so head over to her blog post for more on the day. I can't wait to go to another meeting - hopefully I can get to the next one in October.

I think a lot of my love of quilting at the moment has to do with not having any exhibition deadlines hanging over me. As much as I don't let quilting stress or burn me out, I never realise how much of a commitment of time I've promised to it until the date of entry has passed and I suddenly have some free time. It's fun just creating for the heck of it when I have the time and the inclination to stitch.  Long may it continue!

(My garden is looking a bit weedy at the moment though! And I have a lot of quilts to blog.)


  1. What a great post about your love for quilting, that excitement that makes you want to finish things and plan new quilts. You can see the love in all your blocks too. Wonderful exhuberant fabric choices. The Quilt NSW meeting was such a fun day, jam packed action. You were amazing for coming all the way, we were all so happy you did!

  2. Check you and your quilt mojo out! I love that view from across the deck - so much loveliness :)

  3. Great inspiring post Michelle! Love your Stepping Stones blocks.


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