Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fabrics I have loved

Fabric has always been such a big part of my crafting life. I'm a very opinionated fabric shopper - if I don't like it at first sight, it's unlikely my opinion will change over time.

My friend
Ruth from Finland has spent the last two months in Japan and kindly offered to go fabric shopping for me in Nippori, at Tomato. (Coincidentally, Erin from A Dress A Day went to Tomato around the same time Ruth did). We arranged a monetary limit and then I let her decide what I would like, just so long as the fabric was a medium to heavy weight. I tell you, for someone who has never met me in real life, she knows my tastes pretty well.

Ruth went fabric shopping

I mean, penguins. I love penguins! These fabrics arrived the same day as the clapotis from mum, and the clappy almost took second place in the oohing and aahing olympics. The turtle fabric is double sided. The brown fabric is something I'm going to have to get more of when I travel to Japan later this year. I need to make a shirt or something out of it - it's stunning.

In the last week, I've also received these.


Pippijoe and Hollabee fabrics
2. Fabric from Kimono Reincarnate
3. Aunty Cookie fabric

Oh my. I suppose I should just go and sew something.


  1. Oooh, so droolworthy!!! I'm surprised you didn't call this post: "I would go out tonight
    But I haven’t got a stitch to wear". har.

    PS. Little bloggy award for you from me here:

  2. Ack, here I was thinking I was all clever and then I realised you've already used that line. Hmm!

  3. Given I'm a knob, a few minutes of singing and all I can come up with is "'Ere long done do does did"...words which definitely aren't my own!
    Dammit,now I gotta go listen to Morrissey and friends.

  4. Wow - they're lovely! How long before you design your own with Spoonflower?

  5. You know this post almost makes me want to try and thread my sewing machine (but I broke the needle last time I used it and I didn't even know you could get new ones until I read your recent post).

    Looking forward to seeing what you make with these delish fabrics.

    I love the trees and the nests and the deer and the russian dollies the bestest.

  6. That penguin fabric is sensational! I love the Pippijoe fabric too. I have a bit of the lovely Orchard one in teal.

  7. Gorgeous! Do you think I could come over for a visit and raid your fabric stash?

  8. Oh my. Lovely. Can't wait to see what they become.

  9. oh. so. pretty.
    and the possibilities.... yay!!!!

  10. Oh, those are beautiful! You are a lucky girl. Can't wait to see what you make.

  11. I love those penguins (have emailed you on a reply and really hope youe didn't email me from a now defunct work account!!!!

  12. Oh wow, they are all just stunning!

  13. hmmm i think i need to buy a sunyboy pouch now for my knitting notions. i love jejunes one, but any old red will i need to order special like?

  14. Can I come & live at your house! I will just sit by your mail box & watch the fabric roll in!

  15. Wonderful fabrics! I especially love the red tree fabric!

  16. Hehehe... I'll be in Tomato in a couple of weeks too!


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