Sunday, June 8, 2008

This is ... my favourite travel memory

I'd fallen off the "this is ..." meme wagon in the last few weeks while I sorted my life out, but I decided this morning, as I was lying in bed listening to some fool setting off fireworks at 6.27 am, that it was time to start up again. So I was thrilled to log in and see Hila's suggestion - I've been reminiscing a lot lately about things such as this.

17 mile drive
Pebble Beach, 17 Mile Drive, California

We had a tough year in 2003 and that's a long story in itself, but the opportunity came up for Mr QM to take some piss-off-and-don't-sue-us money from his employer. So we took the money and ran away to America for a month.

Train tracks - north of Santa Barbara
Train tracks, southern California Coast.

We travelled by train from LA to Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver (Canada), back to Portland because we loved it so much, back to Seattle (because we hated it so much the first time and wanted to prove ourselves wrong). Then we flew back to LA, took the train to San Diego, then back to Santa Monica and back home.

Golden Gate Bridge, SF

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

It was a great trip in so many ways - it was lovely to escape the stresses of our lives, to fly by the seat of our pants, sit in Powell's City of Books all day if we wanted to, walk our way around San Francisco, and stand outside realtors' windows and dream of living in Portland one day (compared to Canberra, it was very affordable!).

Multnomah Falls, Oregon
Multnomah Falls, Oregon

We finally felt some peace in our lives. That's why this holiday is my favourite travel memory.

Snow trail near Mt Hood, Oregon
Snow trail, Mt Hood, Oregon


  1. My husband and I were just talking about San Francisco today! It's the only spot I've seen on the West Coast, and briefly, but I didn't like it. The entire time, I could feel that the ocean was on the wrong side--he said he felt it too, when he was there. I'd like to see more of the West Coast, particularly the Pacific Northwest, but I don't think I could live there--I'm so very much an East Coast girl.

  2. Your photos are fantastic. That first one made me want to pack my bags and leave for Pebble Beach NOW.
    I guess the SlowDownRelax thing will take a bit of time to get used to, but like others have said, if you need structure, then make a list of the things you've always wanted to do, and use that as your framework. Before long, you may even get to enjoy not having a list. (I talk to the cats a lot, when I'm home on my own! And I'm not a chatty person.)
    And thanks for the "welcome back". It made me sit up and smile, thinking that someone would say that.

  3. Great photos!! Wow! Thank you for sharing those and your memories. Isn't it great to have a holiday where you truly can relax, and not have to worry about only having 5 minutes to see everything before you have to get going again.

  4. That first photo is so atmospheric! Just amazing. Sounds like you had a brilliant trip. I know you live close to snow, but it still amazes me to see snowy photo's.

  5. Beautiful shots, Michelle. Just breathtaking. And a great story. I really enjoyed that story.

  6. Wow! Your photos are amazing. What a fabulous trip, a perfect escape from stresses at home.

  7. That's a fabulous story & your images are really lovely. The Pebble Beach one is my favourite.

  8. Just as an aside..I understand the firecracker thing having grown up in Canberra!!!
    Anyway I love, love, love your photos and the fact you went and did something so positive to escape your stressful situation...America for me at the moment is the one continent I haven't traveled to that is a must and having just read so much about Portland too I really love hearing more...another inspiring post.

  9. This post is just beautiful and I'm so glad you enjoyed this week's theme!

  10. I know exactly where some of these places are. I took a photo of that same tree that you have as your first photo. It's such a beautiful place. The houses around that area are something else too, huh? I'd love to go back.

  11. Love your photos and enjoyed reading about your happy trip-just what you needed

  12. Great holiday snaps- holidays can certainly be very therapeutic as they give you a chance to get out of your reveryday routine and see things in a new light!

  13. fantastic pictures, i think there must be a stock of souls in oregan for healing purposes from what i hear. i hope you are starting to learn to relax! xx


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