For me, clearing the decks means a number of things, including clearing my UFO pile, finishing off those handmade Christmas gifts and cleaning out my linen cupboard. Here's the linen cupboard, and it's a big one - it used to be the shower recess in our bathroom until they plastered it up and punched a hole in the hallway to make room for a door.
Unfortunately when we moved in to this house in 2006, I unpacked things hurriedly. It's a long story as to why and not worth reliving the sorry tale. So this cupboard has been a victim of that horrid time, for a long time. One day when I renovate the bathroom (which is teeny) I'd like to take some of this cupboard back, so it's important to stop using this as the junk cupboard - the place that things go to die. Like preserved lemons and photo albums.
And then there's my UFO list. Less said about that the better, although on Monday night at quilting group* I finished my first jaffa sock.
*My quilting group has been meeting for 6 years, I think. For the last couple of years we mostly haven't quilted - we knit and crochet. Trudi's mum came with us on Monday night and commented about the lack of quilting taking place. I replied that I hadn't sewn anything at stitching night since December 2007. Oops. However, we did have Kris Kringle, and I did score a beautiful hand knitted gift from blogless Jacqui. It deserves it's own post.
I can't clear anything. We *had* to find the table for Thanksgiving dinner. I was keeping it pretty clear while I was sewing, but I put the machine away the day before the baby was born, and I've lost control of the table. What is it about flat surfaces, anyway?
ReplyDeleteI can't always close my linen closet door. Which is fine, because when we have too much company, one of the cats likes to go in there to hide and sleep on some sheets. No little kids can get to him there. (Smart cat. I wonder if I could fit in there for a nap?)
oh I love the jaffa socks - they are gorgeous. I am thinking of converting my linen cupboard into a shower - cute that yours went the other way.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to finish unpacking our house and get everything organized, but the closer I get to my due date the less energy I have to do it! Sigh.