Friday, January 18, 2008

Could someone glue these shoes to the ground?

I received a letter from the Canberra Show today. All my items for the crochet section in the craft exhibition are due by February 17. That's less than a month away and I've only got two things made. Oh, and another thing? I've entered a pair of socks. I'm sure I didn't do that on the form, but there it was, in writing, from the show people, and those people know what they're talking about.


The other night I finished these:

Crochet socks #2

But I really don't think they are up to "show standard". And I'd started these:

Minicluster lace sock in progress

Which are probably more up to par.

So there you have it. I still have to finish a shawl, start a scarf and finish a pair of socks with a dicky thumb and a full time job. Lucky I'm lovin' the crochet right now ... plus a bad case of hayfever this week has confined me to a closed house, the couch and the tennis all weekend. Woot!

The second part of today's post will include a fiscal lesson. Now I wouldn't know how to balance a household budget to save my life (and they put me in charge of the finances at work - fools!) but I know how to talk my way around a Big Purchase. Luckily for me Mr QM is one who appreciates Fiscal Savings and Good Buying.

So in the last week I've managed to bring home this:

No room at the inn for the sale yarn

And Mr QM goes "OMG are you kidding me?" and I go "(13.50 x 17) + (9.95 x 18) + (6.95 x 20) = $547.60 butlookitonlycost$110!!!! Whatabargainwhatasaving!"

And then all night I keep shaking my head saying "I cannot BELIEVE I got $547.60 worth of yarn for ONLY $110! Can you believe that? Can you?"

Every hour or so should do it. And then once just before he nods off to sleep.


  1. Nothing like a deadline to get you going :) I got DH to calculate my Cassidys savings, and he seems convinced :)

  2. That sounds like a solid plan with the husband. I usually answer a "How much did that cost?" question with a deflection, like, "It was SO CHEAP! I can't believe it!"

  3. Clearly I have much to learn, Sensei. Although when the "I spent" amount is greater than the weekly rent we pay, the talking to gonna have to be pretty fast.

  4. I lurrrve the pink and red socks. Fab.

    Good luck with show deadlines.


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